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Launching Defense Alliance Foundation aka NC Defense Alliance Foundation

Our Social Mission
- Growing North Carolinas Defense related Technology Awards and Investor Capital
- Rapid Delivery of Gap Closing Technology Solutions for our Warfighters.
Over 15 years, Founding members and volunteer service 1. Defense Alliance Foundation, 501 C3 a non-profit corporation ((2023 April to present) 2. The Defense Alliance of North Carolina, non-profit 501c6 (2019- 2024 August) 3. North Carolina Defense Business Association NCDBA (2009 – 2019 transition to DANC)
About Defense Alliance Foundation (DAF)
The Defense Alliance Foundation is an IRS 501 C3 a not for profit corporation focused on strengthening North Carolina’s Defense Innovation Ecosystem and those who support and benefit from it.
The Defense Alliance Foundation combines the powerful leadership of distinguished military officers and industry executives, a large and active collaborative Defense Innovation Ecosystem and an impressive set of standing forums and events in support of North Carolina’s government, military, business, and academic communities.
Our Mission:
Grow North Carolina’s defense economy in a way that creates new long-term investments and job opportunities, and to be seen as a go to state for Defense Technology Gap Closing Solutions.
Improve the economy of North Carolina by:
- positioning key organizations and senior leaders to assist in the expansion of defense-related business opportunities throughout the state leading high-impact strategic growth initiatives
o providing actionable information and networking opportunities to NC entities with defense sector interests.
o Our unique grassroots ability to lead government, military, industry, and academic partners in collaborative efforts toward common objectives continues to create opportunities for North Carolina while augmenting the capabilities of the nation’s military.
Our History
Defense Alliance Foundation (DAF) a 501c3, an education, research, and scientific corporation was founded by its parent and executive officers ( Chairman, President, and Executive Director) of the Defense Alliance of North Carolina (DANC) a 501c6 Industry Trade Association The Defense Alliance of North Carolina’s Chairman, President, and Executive Director, formed the Defense Alliance Foundation April 11 2023 as a non-profit IRS 501C3 whose mission was and still is to continue to Foster and accelerate the growth of North Carolina’s Defense Innovation ecosystem, dual use Defense and Commercial Technologies, collaborative teaming within NC and Beyond.
The Defense Alliance of North Carolina was created in August 2019 with the Boards of the North Carolina Military Foundation (NCMF) and the North Carolina Defense Business association (NCDBA) agreed to merge.
The North Carolina Military Foundation (NCMF) was founded in 2006 by the NC Governor as a state-wide, non-partisan, privately funded economic development group comprised of distinguished military retirees and some of the state’s preeminent corporate citizens. NCMF led high-impact strategic growth initiatives and positioned NC’s leaders to preserve and grow the state’s defense economy.
The Defense Business Association (NCDBA) was founded as a professional trade association of businesses with interests in military contracting, government affairs, and supporting the state’s military installations. NCDBA provided networking opportunities and connections to promote defense related business within the state of North Carolina. It hosted of numerous events across the state lead by volunteer members since 2009.
About DANC Forums & Roundtables
Defense Alliance Foundation Forums create regular opportunities to explore emerging defense sector trends and challenges and deliver actionable intelligence to leaders from North Carolina’s business, academic, government, and military communities. Topic areas are recommended annually by the Management Council and approved by the Alliance’s Executive Board.
Science & Technology, Innovation and Commercialization Forum Phil Williams,Chair Phil Williams, LLC
· Create and maintain a culture of Trust and expand our collaborative Innovation ecosystem increases economic opportunities for businesses in the state.
- Continue to mentor, foster, and grow North Carolina’s Defense Innovation Ecosystem
- Continue the over 15 years of Grassroots economic development of North Carolina’s growing Defense Innovation and Technology Sectors and clusters, leveraging the 2020 Defense Alliance Of
North Carolina Defense Industry Asset clusters: ( updaed 2020) 1. Autonomous Systems 2. Manufacturing 3. Data & Knowledge Management 4. Human Performance (NC COMP ) 5. Materials 6. Power Emerging Clusters 7. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 8. Ocean, Coast Line, Maritime (Blue Economy) 9. Cybersecurity (all Cyber domains) 10. Emerging Technologies
- Develop Onramps for proof of concept and early validation testing ( prototype thru Industry Compliance: Desing simulation, Digital Twins, Environmental, RDT&E, Hardware in the Loop, Man in the loop, Man out of the Loop,, etc
- Continue developing relationships with US Armed Services Committee and its members, DoD S&T-RDT&E influencers & leaders, Identify opportunities for line item Defense Budget Funding for and with our NC Collaborators.
- Mentor and Energize NC companies to align and refine their mission and capabilities with Fuel Use in mind and team when helpful to submit and win.
- Become the premier catalyst for innovation between NC SMBs, University Research and DOD Futures
- University Researchers and Collaborators ( All NC Universities)
Active programs at these locations: NC State University UNC Charlotte UNC Wilmington East Carolina, NC A&T University Fayetteville State Univ Duke University Wake Forest University
Manufacturing and Infrastructure
Understanding Defense Alliance capabilities as related to manufacturing in areas to include, but not limited to; Marketing, Capture Management, Contracts, Finance/Accounting, Staffing, Raw materials, Production, Labeling, Packaging and Logistics. Identify opportunities for collaboration among our NC Defense Alliance Foundation Ecosystem. Work with DANC to utilize members as outsourcing resources.
Government Relations Chair David Hayden Smith Anderson Law Firm
- Monitor State and Federal legislative agendas to identify legislation that is relevant to NC organizations and provide recommendations to the Board as to policy positions.
- Develop strategies to advise and educate DANC members on relevant legislative issues.
- Develop strategies to educate and communicate with legislators, organizations and other relevant parties regarding the DANC and our position on any particular legislative issue as directed by the Board.
- Identify statewide and national associations with similar interests and provide recommendations and advice to the Board concerning opportunities to align organizations to strengthen advocacy on key issues.
- Assist the Executive Director in reviewing issues related to the DAF and provide advice and recommendations to the Board regarding same.
NC Defense Asset Inventory and Target Industry Cluster Analysis (2020 Udate)
A study led by the Defense Alliance of NC (DANC) and conducted by RTI International (RTI) and the NC Department of Commerce has found that NC is among the fastest growing states in the nation for technology areas being targeted by the Department of Defense (DoD).
1. Autonomous Systems 2. Advanced Manufacturing 3. Data & Knowledge Management 4. Human Performance| 5. Materials 6. Power
The results of the study will support efforts to:
- Develop strategies to grow and sustain high-priority industry clusters
- Create jobs by connecting North Carolina entities, including traditional and non-traditional defense contractors, to opportunities in DoD’s key growth areas
- Create jobs by recruiting new companies and military elements to North Carolina
- Market North Carolina’s strengths in key areas and start building a statewide brand as a defense industry leader
- Market the organizations available to support NC entities in connecting with the defense marketplace
- The study included insights from DoD strategies and experts, a core working team, and NC companies.

Our History and Role in Developing North Carolina’s Defense Innovation Ecosystem
In 2010 Phil Williams became a North Caroline Defense Business Association , North Carolina non-profit 501(c)(6) Defense Industry Trade Association. In late 2010, Phil spun up NCDBA's first committee named "Science & Technology," and has continued his role as Chair as the organization grew and transitioned to the Defense Alliance of NC. Phil has hosted over 156 Forums integrating Science, Technology, Innovation, through successful commercialization. Liberty
Being Located in the Raleigh-Durham/Research Triangle Park of North Carolina and near Fort Liberty formerly Fort Bragg the home of 18th Airborne, JSOC, USSOCOM and Forces Command, Camp Lejeune, and Cherry Point, under Phil's leadership the S&T committee took on the missions of a building a trusted/collaborative teaming environment focused on accelerating innovation and gap closing technologies and solutions that support our men and women in harm's way. Phil's passion was to use his business global acumen to give back to the community, and he continues to invest time, as a volunteer fueling Innovation, collaborative teaming creating solutions to defense industry hard problems.
Since 2011, Collectively, teams have been awarded contracts and Investor funds that total over $ 3 Billion, creating well over 300 jobs, and multiple high gain divestitures..
The S&T committee hosts monthly technology Forums where members, university researchers, and invited DoD guests can discuss advances in technology and requirements. Forum's are held monthly in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. Members, Guests, and SMEs include:
Industry, Innovators, Subs, Defense Primes, Academic, Test Ranges RDT&E, SMEs Government Guests: DoD S&T RDT&E Labs and Ranges, Fort Liberty JSOC, USASOC, Forces Command, 18th Airborne, State and Local
- University Researchers and Collaborators Active programs at these locations:
NC State University UNC Charlotte UNC Wilmington East Carolina, NC A&T University Fayetteville State Univ Duke University Wake Forest University Wake Forest Regenerative Medicine
Call today and let's discuss your Vision, Challenge or gap closing requirements. Contact Call (919) 670-1073 today or email "Let's work together and exceed your business goals."
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"Let's work together and exceed your business goals."